Concepts and Terminology


We refer to a set of genotypes with a given phenotype as a genotype set, which is typically a very small subset of genotype space – the set of all possible genotypes. Each genotype set therefore corresponds to a single phenotype. A genotype set may comprise one or more genotype networks. In such networks, vertices represent genotypes and edges connect vertices if their corresponding genotypes are separated by a single small mutation. Vertices that share an edge are referred to as neighbors. Since individual genotypes may belong to multiple genotype sets, genotype networks may overlap.

We also construct and visualize phenotype networks. In such networks, vertices represent genotype sets, and edges connect vertices if any genotypes in the corresponding genotype sets can be interconverted via a single small mutation. Vertices that share an edge are referred to as adjacent. We refer to mutations that lead to a change in phenotype as non-neutral. For further information on these and related concepts, the reader is referred to 1.


Please review the following important information that applies to analyses in general:

  • All analyses are performed on the dominant genotype network. That is, if the genotype set is fragmented into several genotype networks, analyses will be performed on the largest of these networks. All other components are ignored. The only exception is evolvability, for which if the –use-all-components command-line argument is set, all connected components are considered.

  • Genotypes with a score below the score threshold tau are not considered in any analysis.

  • The noise threshold delta is only used in landscape related analyses, i.e., Paths, Peaks, and Epistasis (see below).


We define evolvability as the ability of mutation to bring forth a novel phenotype. Evolvability can be measured at the scale of an individual genotype or of a genotype set. In the Genonets Server, evolvability analyses are always enabled, resulting in the following:

  • Calculation of genotype evolvability

  • Calculation of phenotype evolvability

  • Construction of the phenotype network

These computational routines are based on 2, and are described in detail below.

Genotype evolvability

For a genotype g in a genotype set \(S\), evolvability is the ratio of the number of genotype sets to which \(g\) can evolve via a single mutation, to the total number of genotype sets in the input data.

The higher the evolvability of a genotype \(g\), the higher the number of genotype sets that can be reached by a single mutation from \(g\).

Phenotype evolvability

For a genotype set \(S\), phenotype evolvability is the ratio of the number of unique genotype sets to which genotypes in \(S\) can evolve via single mutations, to the total number of genotype sets available in the input data.

Phenotype network

  • Each vertex in the phenotype network represents a genotype set.

  • The higher the out-degree of a vertex, the higher the number of genotype sets to which genotypes in this genotype set can evolve.

  • The higher the in-degree of a vertex, the higher the number of genotype sets from which this genotype set is accessible.

  • The network is a directed graph, which captures the possibly asymmetric relation between vertices. This means that it is possible for a genotype set to be accessible from other genotype sets, despite having zero phenotype evolvability itself.


We define robustness as the invariance of a phenotype in the face of genetic perturbation. Like evolvability, robustness can be measured at the scale of an individual genotype or of a genotype set. In Genonets, robustness analysis results in the following computations:

  • Genotype robustness

  • Average robustness of the genotype set

These computational routines are based on 2, and are described in detail below.

Genotype robustness

For a genotype \(g\) in a genotype set \(S\), robustness is the fraction of all possible mutational neighbors that are also in \(S\). Thus, \(g\) is maximally robust if all possible neighbors are members of \(S\).

Phenotype robustness

Phenotype robustness is the arithmetic mean of the genotype robustness values for all genotypes in the genotype set \(S\).


The accessibility of a genotype set \(S\) measures the potential for mutation to generate a genotype in \(S\) from genotypes in different genotype sets. In Genonets, accessibility is measured for all genotype sets in the input data. Specifically, for a genotype set \(S\), accessibility is computed as follows:

  1. For each pair of genotype sets \((S, T)\), calculate the ratio of the number of genotypes in \(S\) that are separated by a single mutation from any genotype in \(T\), to the total number of genotypes that are separated by a single mutation from genotypes in \(T\).

  2. Then calculate the accessibility of \(S\) as the sum of these ratios for all pairs \((S, T)\).

Computational routines for accessibility are based on 3.

Neighbor Abundance

The neighbor abundance of a genotype set \(S\) measures the size of adjacent genotype sets, in proportion to the probability that a mutation will generate a genotype in these adjacent genotype sets. In Genonets, neighbor abundance is measured for all genotype sets in the input data. Specifically, for a genotype set \(S\), neighbor abundance is computed as follows:

  1. Calculate the ratio of the number of genotypes in \(T\) that are accessible from \(S\), to the total number of genotypes that are accessible from \(S\).

  2. Multiply this ratio by the number of genotypes in \(S\).

  3. Repeat this process for all genotype set pairs \((S, T)\), taking the sum as the neighbor abundance of \(S\).

Computational routines for neighbor abundance are based on 3.

Diversity Index

The diversity index of a genotype set \(S\) gives the probability that two randomly chosen non-neutral mutations to genotypes in \(S\) yield genotypes that belong to the same genotype set \(T\). In Genonets, diversity index is measured for all genotype sets in the input data. Specifically, the diversity index of a genotype set \(S\) is computed as follows:

  1. Calculate the ratio of the number of genotypes in \(T\) that are accessible from \(S\), to the total number of genotypes that are accessible from \(S\).

  2. Square this ratio.

  3. Repeat this process for all genotype set pairs \((S, T)\), summing up along the way.

  4. The diversity index of \(S\) is one minus this sum.

Computational routines for diversity index are based on 3.


The last two decades of research in network science have produced a wealth of measures for describing the structure of networks. Genonets includes many of these analyses. These result in measures at the level of individual genotypes and genotype sets.

Computations performed at the level of the genotype set are:

  • Number of connected components, i.e., number of genotype networks within a single genotype set

  • Sizes of all connected components

  • Size of the giant component, i.e., size of the dominant genotype network

  • Proportional size of the dominant genotype network

  • Diameter of the dominant genotype network

  • Edge density of the dominant genotype network

  • Average clustering coefficient for the dominant genotype network

Computations performed at the level of genotypes are:

  • Coreness

  • Clustering coefficient

  • Computational routines for structural analysis are described in 4.


Since some genotypes belong to more than one genotype set, genotype networks sometimes overlap. Using the overlap analysis, Genonets will characterize these regions of overlap for all pairs of genotype sets. Specifically, for each pair of genotype sets \((S, T)\) available in the input data, this analysis calculates the number of genotypes that are common to both genotype sets \(S\) and \(T\).


Epistasis – non-additive interactions between mutations – can impose severe constraints on molecular evolution because the mutations that are beneficial in one genetic background may be deleterious in another. Epistasis can be classified as magnitude, simple sign, or reciprocal sign epistasis depending on the sign (i.e., positive or negative) of the individual mutations and of the mutations in combination (please see 5 for details). In Genonets, epistasis analysis results in the following calculations:

  1. Identify all squares in the dominant genotype network, as these represent pairs of mutations.

  2. For each square, determine the class of epistasis (magnitude, simple sign, reciprocal sign).

  3. For each epistasis class, calculate the proportion of all squares in the dominant genotype network that belong to this class.

Computational routines for epistasis are based on 5.


In the input data, the user is required to provide a Score for each genotype. Since these scores may reflect a quantitative phenotype that is related to organismal fitness, and because these scores vary amongst the genotypes in a genotype network, one may think of a genotype network as an adaptive landscape 6. This opens the door to a slew of analyses that characterize the potential for mutation and selection to explore these landscapes. One of these analyses comprises determination of peaks in the landscape.

Peaks analysis in Genonets results in the determination of the global and all local peaks in the landscape. We refer to the genotype with the highest score in the genotype network as the summit. Please note that even though there can be multiple genotypes within a peak, when referring to the global peak within the Genonets documentation, we are in fact referring to the summit.

Computational routines for peaks are based on 5.


Another analysis where the genotype network is considered an adaptive landscape 6 (see the introduction to Peaks analysis above) is the computation of accessible mutational paths.

The paths analysis involves computing all accessible mutational paths from each genotype in the network, to the summit. A path is accessible, if and only if the scores for the genotypes on the path increase monotonically (plus or minus the user-supplied parameter delta), from the source genotype to the target genotype.

Computational routines for paths are based on 5.



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Andreas Wagner. Robustness and evolvability: a paradox resolved. Proc. R. Soc. B 2008 275 91-100; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1137. Published 7 January 2008.


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