Welcome to Genonets’ documentation!

This package provides a high level interface for construction and analysis of genotype networks from data.

Following features are available:

  • Parsing of genotype-phenotype maps from an input file, provided in the genonets input-file format

  • Creation of genotype networks from input data

  • Various analyses on the constructed genotype networks

  • Generation of result files with attributes from genotype-network-level analyses, as well as genotype-level analyses

  • Creation of a phenotype network that shows evolvability and accessibility relationships between the genotype sets

  • Generation of GML files corresponding to the created genotype networks and the phenotype network


Before installing Genonets, please use the following command to upgrade pip and setuptools:

$ pip install -U pip setuptools

Then install Genonets using the following command:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/fkhalid/genonets.git


Only Python 3.8 and above are supported. Also, Linux and MacOS are supported; we plan to add support for Windows at a later time.

Getting started

Tutorial I: The one-liner

The following code snippet shows the simplest possible way of using Genonets:

1from genonets.cmdl_handler import CmdParser
2from genonets.interface import Genonets
4Genonets(CmdParser().get_args(), process=True)

Yes, that’s it. Two import statements, and just one line of code to create, analyze, and save, all the genotype networks in the input file, as well the phenotype network. In fact, these are the contents of the minimal.py sample file included in the package.

Assuming you have already installed Genonets and downloaded the sample input file available here, the minimal.py program can be used to process the sample input file as follows.

$ python -u -m genonets.sample.minimal --alphabet=DNA --input-file=input.csv --tau=0.35 --output-path=results --verbose

This creates a directory called results in which all the result files are written.


All command-line arguments and configuration parameters are documented here.

Tutorial II: Step-by-step processing

Instead of using a single call to perform all the processing steps, one can split these steps into multiple function calls. Here’s a code sample:

 1from genonets.cmdl_handler import CmdParser
 2from genonets.interface import Genonets
 4# Parse the command line argument and create the Genonets object
 5gn = Genonets(CmdParser().get_args(), process=False)
 7# Use 'gn' to create genotype networks for all genotype sets.
10# Perform all available analyses on all genotype networks.
13# Write all genotype networks to files in GML format. For a genotype network
14# with two or more components, two files are generated: One corresponds to the
15# entire network with all components, and the other corresponds to the dominant
16# component only.
19# Save all genotype network level measures to 'Genotype_set_measures.txt'.
22# Save all genotype level measures to '<genotypeSetName>_genotype_measures.txt'
23# files. One file per genotype set is generated.

Tutorial III: Selective processing

It is also possible to process only a selection of genotype sets from the input data. Also, it is possible to perform only a selection of available analysis types. Here’s a code sample:

 1from genonets.cmdl_handler import CmdParser
 2from genonets.interface import Genonets
 4# Parse the command line argument and create the Genonets object
 5gn = Genonets(CmdParser().get_args(), process=False)
 7# Use 'gn' to create genotype networks for all genotype sets.
10# Perform only 'Robustness' and 'Evolvability' analyses on just two of
11# the genotype sets available in the input file, i.e., 'Foxa2' and 'Bbx'.
12gn.analyze(["Foxa2", "Bbx"], analyses=[ac.ROBUSTNESS, ac.EVOLVABILITY])
14# Write the given genotype networks to files in GML format.
15# For a genotype network with two or more components, two files are generated:
16# One corresponds to the entire network with all components, and the other
17# corresponds to the dominant component only.
18gn.save(["Foxa2", "Bbx"])
20# Save genotype network level measures for the given genotype sets to
21# 'Genotype_set_measures.txt'.
22gn.save_network_results(["Foxa2", "Bbx"])
24# Save all genotype level measures for the given genotype sets to
25# 'Foxa2_genotype_measures.txt' and 'Bbx_genotype_measures.txt' files.
26gn.save_genotype_results(["Foxa2", "Bbx"])

See Analysis constants and Genonets interface methods for more information on a list of analysis constants and API methods.